Jun 18, 2010


Ever since Dana helped Jamie rid herself of possession by Angelica Fear, life seems to have returned to somewhat normal. Dana starts dating Clark from the basketball team and jumps into the school spirit thing by helping to plan the huge bonfire pep rally. Lewis has been accepted to Brown College and is happier than ever. Everyone has moved beyond the horror of the past year, except Jamie. Only Jamie feels hung up on the past. Maybe because, while possessed by Angelica Fear, she had helped to kill her classmates. Maybe because she feels Angelica Fear is still lurking around. Maybe because she hears evil voices whispering threats and is being followed around town by a one-eyed blackbird. Or maybe she's just going crazy.

Only Dana and Jamie are aware of the possession, and only they know what's behind her vindictive anger. Angelica Fear wants revenge on everyone who stole from the mansion. Dana and Jamie don't tell anyone because no one would believe them. But then the killing starts up again. Trying to find some form of protection, Jamie studies the spell book she had swiped from the mansion. Then, when at the flea market she finds the antique bracelet that matches the old amulet, she feels a little extra confident that maybe she can finish off the old Fear curse placed on her and her friends.

As everyone gathers for the huge pep rally bonfire, thoughts of death are pushed to the side in order to cheer on the basketball team at the state finals. The brightly flaming bonfire towers thirty feet in the air, raising spirits along with the temperature. But then things start to go wrong, and Fear pulses through the school once again. Finally, Jamie has had enough and sets out to confront the Fears once and for all. Backing her up are her close friends, those left of the Night People, but the one person whom she trusts the most isn't quite who she thinks.

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